Sometimes it's the smallest decisions that can change your life forever.

What decisions will you make today?

08 August 2010


Sunday has always been a day I enjoy.  I allow myself to relax [mostly] guilt-free and do a million things - or do nothing at all.  For an eternal list maker, Sunday is my day to go with the flow and enjoy whatever comes my way, day.  Sunday is a day that I breathe a little easier than any other day of the week.  
Monday will be here soon enough!

Though I avoid the lists on Sundays, I am happy to report:
Pilates:  Check.
Oatmeal w/fresh berries breakfast: Check.
Homemade frozen yogurt smoothie for lunch: Check.
Apple w/a few raw almonds snack: Check.
Evening walk: Check.
Lots o' H2o: Check. Check.
Grilled chicken w/fresh green beans dinner: Check.
Continuing to lose inches. Check. Check. Check!

Today, I reconnected with a couple of friends I hadn't seen or spoken to in a while.  I'm grateful for friendships that sustain all.

Cheers to a great week ahead!

130 Days & counting

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