Sometimes it's the smallest decisions that can change your life forever.

What decisions will you make today?

15 August 2010


I have found now that I am truly putting my health first, I am thinking less and less about it; rather it is becoming a way of life.  It is a wonderful realization as I battled with myself for the better part of a year to get back on track.

why did i wait so long...............??!

It's now normal to get up feeling more energized and craving activity -- Pilates & strength training win right now because I don't belong to a gym & it's still too hot for me to run outside.  Spending the past few days with my boyfriend in town was so much more enjoyable as we ate healthy meals and spent some fun time wearing each other out swimming together.

I'm looking forward to the week ahead as I continue moving into my 40th year with more and more insight into myself and the future.
122 Days & Counting

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